2007年11月22日 星期四

My friend had a baby hedgehog

My friend raised two hedgehogs

Last week he told me "They had a baby"

wow, that`s excited

I have never seen a baby hedgehog before

And he send me their photo
So I'm here to share his joy to all of you

Let me show you their photo

The small one

of course, is the baby

Isn't he cute !?

And that fat hedgehog is his mother

They appear to be so warm

This makes me feel very moved

This one is his papa
His color is not as deep as mama
And his size is smaller than the female too
By the way,He called milk tea
Mama called small ton
And the baby called Rambutan

2007年11月14日 星期三

Food =////=

I love food, especially delicious food
Exotic cuisine is also very good : P
Recently I found this website
It has introduced many recipes
and teach you how to handle ingredients
Such as chicken pork and so on

Actually, I like to cook food
But now I live in hostels
I lack some special equipment to the food cooking
Next time I go home I'll try this one

It looks very tasty !!

The recipe are as follow

  Start by seasoning the chicken joints well with salt and pepper. Next, slice the red peppers in half and remove the seeds and pith, then slice each half into six strips. Likewise, peel the onion and slice into strips of approximately the same size. The dried tomatoes should be drained, wiped dry with kitchen paper and then cut into ½ inch (1 cm) pieces.
  Now heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in the casserole and, when it is fairly hot, add the chicken pieces – two or three at a time – and brown them to a nutty golden colour on both sides. As they brown remove them to a plate lined with kitchen paper, using a draining spoon. Next add a little more oil to the casserole, with the heat slightly higher than medium. As soon as the oil is hot, add the onion and peppers and allow them to brown a little at the edges, moving them around from time to time, for about 5 minutes.
  After that, add the garlic, chorizo and dried tomatoes and toss these around for a minute or two until the garlic is pale golden and the chorizo has taken on some colour. Next, stir in the rice and, when the grains have a good coating of oil, add the stock, wine, tomato purée and paprika. As soon as everything has reached simmering point, turn the heat down to a gentle simmer. Add a little more seasoning, then place the chicken gently on top of everything (it's important to keep the rice down in the liquid). Finally, sprinkle the herbs over the chicken pieces and scatter the olives and wedges of orange in among them.
  Cover with a tight-fitting lid and cook over the gentlest possible heat for about 50 minutes-1 hour or until the rice is cooked but still retains a little bite. Alternatively cook in a pre-heated oven at gas mark 4, 350°F (180°C), for 1 hour.